Art is a lie
which reveals the truth. Pablo Picasso

Digital Creative Engineer

Douglas Adams
20th Century Creative Hero

Georges Abitbol
Smartest man on Earth
A Creative Engineer DNA, since 1981.
The man
Born in France, raised in Reunion Island (French southern offshore territories), from a family of teachers, researchers and engineers.
After studies in Art & IT Engineering, I NEVER dissociated both all along my rich carreer from Print Industry to Cinema & marketing/communication agencies.
Now living in Brussels and working with awesome people who think plain talk is a virtue.
The Leitmotiv
Everyday less dumb than yesterday. This is the spirit wich allows to learn, understand and transmit information through the best shape, whatever the medium can be.
The one and only rule is : simple is efficient.
After more than 15 years of digital creation, great success and delusions, the flame burns intact.

TV Media Feeding
Live & Sport Events

Studio Building
Packshot & Commercials

Workflow Automation
For Media Engineering

Wildlife Documentaries
Foreign Amazonia

Actor Direction
Video & photo sets

3D Stereoscopic

Photo & Postprocessing

Social Media
Content Production

Aerial Imagery
w/ Drones & Light Aircrafts

UI/UIX Design
App & Cloud solutions

For Print & Animated Movies

Scene lighting
For Shows and Events